
Take a look through some articles

Spotlight of the Month – @whatallergy

Spotlight of the Month – @whatallergy

This month we have the amazing Ruth Holroyd. Ruth has multiple food allergies and helps bring awareness to…

Spotlight of the Month – Kyle Dine

Spotlight of the Month – Kyle Dine

I am so honoured to have Kyle Dine the founder of 'Equal Eats' as my spotlight of the…

Spotlight of the Month – @ourallergystory

Spotlight of the Month – @ourallergystory

I grew up in the historic county of Ayrshire, in south-west Scotland with my twin sister and brother.…

Spotlight of the Month – @drhelenallergy

Spotlight of the Month – @drhelenallergy

Dr Helen Evans is a GP with a specialist interest in allergy. Helen has been a qualified doctor…

Spotlight of the Month – Dr Jose Costa

Spotlight of the Month – Dr Jose Costa

Dr Jose Costa is a Paediatrician who started working on allergies nearly 16 years ago. Jose also has…

Spotlight of the Month – @maycontain

Spotlight of the Month – @maycontain

My spotlight this July is @maycontain. Dan is an amazing advocate in the allergy community and is always…

Spotlight of the Month – @AllergyPenPals

Spotlight of the Month – @AllergyPenPals

Allergy Pen Pals is run by an incredible allergy mumma Michelle Barnett. Michelle has started up her own…

It’s been an amazing month for me personally and for Creative Nature!

It’s been an amazing month for me personally and for Creative Nature!

I have had the most amazing June. This month Creative Nature has been awarded two new awards; from…

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Can you help me to help others during Allergy Awareness Week?

As those of you who regularly read my blogs will know - I’ve lived with severe allergies all…

Spotlight of the Month – @theallergybadge

Spotlight of the Month – @theallergybadge

I am so excited to announce that my Spotlight of the Month for February is Natalie, also known…